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The Bishop of Winchester Academy

The Bishop
of Winchester

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones & Music players are NOT allowed in The Bishop of Winchester Academy and will be confiscated if seen.

High quality teaching and learning is a way of ensuring good behaviour in schools and at The Bishop of Winchester Academy we value good behaviour in the classroom and elsewhere to promote the school as a learning community and to ensure that classrooms are safe and effective learning environments. Music players and mobile phones are not permitted on the Academy site. These items being seen or heard on the school site at any time will result in disciplinary consequences. They are a disruptive influence to life in the school and can lead to bullying and other social problems. If they are seen on school site at ANYTIME  (even before or after school) they will be confiscated. They are expensive, leading to the temptation of theft, inside and outside of school. Ideally, they should be left at home.

If a Mobile phone/Music Player/ipod etc is seen or heard on the school site, it will be confiscated and returned, at 2.00pm one week from when the phone was confiscated, to a parent ONLY, who will be reminded of this school rule. The consequence for a mobile phone being seen or heard on the school site will require a day in ALC. 

The Academy has a Student Desk where phone calls can be made and received for pupils, if the need arises.

  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Diocese of Winchester