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The Bishop of Winchester Academy

The Bishop
of Winchester

Careers in Biomedical Science


NHS England have produced an interactive careers pathway guide for students who want to find out about the job of a Biomedical Scientist / Pathologist 



As you probably often hear in the media the NHS needs more staff, but one area that is often not heard about is pathology. Pathology staff are involved in the diagnosis of many diseases including cancer. Around 95% of patient pathways rely on pathology services. And with workload ever-increasing, we need to be recruiting more youngsters into the profession. It is a really exciting career for those who enjoy the sciences.

The guide introduces you to what a Biomedical Scientist does within the NHS. It is filled with links to websites, videos and other external resources for further information. It shows the current routes to become a Biomedical Scientist, showcases the wide variety of disciplines in this field and the array of different opportunities available to you by choosing an exciting career in Biomedical Science.​

  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Diocese of Winchester