Success at School - careers advice for parents and students

Success at School is a website for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice. From top revision techniques for exams, to how parents can help their teenagers prepare for summer work, here are their top 5 careers advice articles parents and students this term.
1. How to support your child through their GCSEs
Is your child sitting their GCSEs this summer? Wondering what you can do to provide GCSE revision support as a parent or carer? Here are some of our top tips.
2. Top revision techniques for exams
Sometimes the hardest thing about studying for exams is knowing how to revise. This post will explore some of the best revision techniques to help you get revising.
3. How parents can help their teenagers prepare for summer work
Encouraging your teenager to work over the summer isn’t just about helping them make money, it's also a great way to help them gain useful skills for the future. Here's how you can help.
4. What options do I have after taking my GCSE exams?
When you reach 16, you're suddenly faced with some decisions to make. Up until GCSEs, your path has pretty much been mapped out for you. But after all those years of school, you now have some choices.
5. How to make a revision plan
Spending a few hours planning out when you’re going to revise really takes the pressure off and lets you concentrate on the work itself. We’ve come up with a simple, portable and original alternative to the traditional revision timetable template.