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The Bishop of Winchester Academy

The Bishop
of Winchester

The British Army - careers, apprenticeships and the life of a soldier


Rounding off our week of Careers Assemblies, year 7 students were joined by Tank Commander, SSgt Wes, and Combat Engineer, Matt, to learn more about careers, apprenticeships and training opportunities with the British Army.



In a lively and engaging session, students learnt about the more than 100 different roles in the army ranging across Engineering, Combat, Human Resources & Finance, Intelligence, IT & Communications, Logistics and Support, Medical, and Music & Ceremonial.

They also learnt about the opportunities to gain qualifications and to train for different career pathways on apprenticeship programmes. 

Our guests also shared their own career stories and some of their experiences both in the UK and abroad working on combat, peacekeeping and humanitarian assignments.




Check out the British Army website for lots more careers information or browse army roles below.




  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Diocese of Winchester